Public Voting Records

Georgia Public Voting Records

Anyone may register to vote in the state of Georgia as long as they are 18 years of age by the date of the election, is a resident of the county they are registering in, a citizen of the United States and have not been declared mentally unfit to vote or serving or sentenced to serve due to a conviction. Registering by party is not required.

Two different applications are available for voter registration, the standard voter registration and the absentee ballot application. Military and overseas voters can opt to receive their ballot by mail or electronically.

Georgia Public Voting Records
Voter Registration Application
Absentee Ballot Application

Log into your personalized voter page at the Secretary of State website for the following information.
My Voter Page

	Voter registration status
	Mail-In application and ballot status
	Poll Location
	Early Voting Locations
	Elected Officials
	Registration information on file with the county office
	Sample ballot for the upcoming election

More information is available from the Elections Division at the Secretary of State office in Atlanta, Georgia or your local county election superintendent's office.

	Secretary of State
	Elections Division
	2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SE
	Suite 802 Floyd West Tower 
	Atlanta, Ga. 30334
	(404) 656-2871
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