Mississippi Public Voting Records
The election process is a department of the Secretary of State's office. You can find information regarding how to vote, registering to vote, voting while out of state or overseas, or being physically unable to visit a voting center. You can also find a lot of this information at a library.
Mississippi Public Voting Records
Print and complete the following PDF file to become a registered Mississippi voter.
Voter Registration Form
For additional information, contact the Secretary of State Elections department in person, by mail or by phone.
401 Mississippi Street
Jackson, Mississippi 39201
P. O. Box 136
Jackson, MS 39205-0136
Elections Hotline: 800-829-6786
Elections Call Center: 601-576-2550
Fax: 601-576-2545
To report suspicious behavior or voter fraud, use the Secretary of State website to report the incident. Reports can be made anonymously.
Report Voter Fraud
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