Public Voting Records

Missouri Public Voting Records

Check your voter registration. Make sure you are registered to vote and your information is accurate. A voter registration needs to be updated if you have changed your primary address or changed your legal name. Libraries can assist you with more information.
Missouri Public Voting Records
Voter lookup

Not registered? It's easy to get registered. Visit the Vote Missouri page to get a custom application with the local return address for your county.
Get your voter registration

You can download and print the basic application here and mail to your specific county clerk.
Voter Registration
Find your local county clerk's office

Find your local polling location Polling Place Search

Absentee Ballots. Registered voters can request an absentee ballot if one of the following applies

• Absence on Election Day from the jurisdiction of the election authority in which 
	registered to vote 
• Incapacity of confinement due to illness or physical disability, including a person 
	who is primarily responsible for the physical care of a person who is incapacitated 
	or confined due to illness or disability; 
• Religious belief or practice 
• Employment as an election authority, as a member of an election authority, or 
	by an election authority at a location other than your polling place 
• Incarceration, provided all qualifications for voting are retained 

Print, complete and return to your local Election Authority. Generally the County Clerks office or Board of Elections. Find your County Clerk
Absentee Ballot Request

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